MLS Coverage

I want to highlight yet another reason to work with HomeSmith. Sure, you can use Zillow and for some things, but to do in-depth comp analysis, have access to private agent notes about a property, or get attached documents like disclosures, surveys, etc., you need an agent with MLS access. 99% of Austin agents will only have access to the MLS in this area, and won’t be able to help you with properties in other places around Texas. I doubt there’s even a dozen brokers here that spend as much and have as much access as we do, carrying membership in all of these MLS zones: Austin area, San Antonio Area, Houston area, Dallas/Fort Worth area, and Waco area.
We realtors often put our resume in our email signatures, and that is what these letters mean (ABOR, SABOR, HAR, MTAR, WAOR, TLDMA). The final one, TLDMA stands for “These Letters Don’t Mean Anything” and I’ve never been asked about it. 🙂 Perhaps these other memberships I’m mentioning don’t mean much to you either, but that’s kind of how premier, extended services works sometimes. You don’t need them until… you need them. If you work with us, you’ll have service that covers you in more ways than you know, and often we won’t even mention it when you’re using services that almost no other realtors offer. All you’ll know is you’ve had a great experience and all the help you could have wanted. Please let us know any way we can be of help to you!
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