The Smiths in 2022

With an eye injury, a month as a pirate, and three surgeries to follow, 2022 took off from a bit of a low point. Not having to wear a mask anymore–definite high point. Real estate was also surging and was keeping us busy. The Austin market is a roller coaster, though, now down about 20% from the peak.
This year Logan turned 9 and got his braces off. Addie turned 7 and just lost her first tooth. Besides Minecraft and Fortnight obsessions, Logan is also learning to code and is a voracious reader. Addie keeps her head in crafts and wordsearch puzzles. They have both advanced in school in leaps and bounds. Both are math rockstars. There’s little more I can say about their progress other than … wow.
For two realtors in a nose-diving market, the one silver lining is more time off for some roadtrips. We’ve been able to take in some of America’s natural beauty, and the kids were able to rack up their 17th state. I’m thankful for our world-class road system, and the freedom to roam.
Are you curious about some of the pictures below? Yes, that IS actually Hillary getting boxed by a hungry Kangaroo. Yes, the Smiths actually ARE nerdy enough to all dress in historical costumes for Halloween. Yes, those ARE pictures of them standing on foreign planets landscapes… yet somehow on Earth. Yes, there really IS a museum devoted to an ancient war between aliens and dinosaurs. Yes, I actually DID get charged by an angry elk at a car charging station. Yes, those ARE 200+ year old cacti about 4 times our height. Yes, those ARE wild hogs behind our house–right in the middle of Austin. And, yes, apparently Addie’s new boyfriend is Bigfoot.

We’d love to hear what’s going on with you. Give us a shout!
If you enjoy watching the kids grow, here are the ghosts of Christmas past:
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